Sunday 6 September 2009

Pescadilla (Whiting) in the oven.

Growing up I loved fishing but didn't like eating fish much as I always associated it with a pungent fishy smell. I don't know if that was because of the (lack of) quality of the fish or what, but in recent years I've come to like it more and more. Here's a Spanish recipe for 'pescadilla' which I think is whiting or young hake in English. But other white meat fish can easily substitute it. The recipe is from El Cocinero Fiel on youtube (in Spanish).
Ingredents (2 people):
2 pescadilla fish
4-6 potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
2 small rep onions
2 small green peppers
1/2 lemon (plus the other half for wedges)
Some sherry
Salt, white pepper.
Fresh parsley

Start by cutting potatoes in to equally thick slices so they will cook at the same time. Put them in a bowl and add some olive oil, plenty of salt and some pepper. I used rosemary salt but any coarse salt will do.

Place them in a single layer on an oventray on some baking paper. Put them in the oven for 30 minutes at 180ยบ

Clean and slice your veggies.

Fry garlic in a bit of olive oil for 30 seconds.

Add the onions, lower the heat and stir.

Cut peppers and add them when the onions have been frying for aprx. 5 minutes. Stir now and then. Fry until peppers are slightly soft.

Meanwhile clean the fish.

Remove spine and cut off head and tail, but don't throw them. Use them for fish stock.

After the 30 minutes, turn the potatoes.

Spread the onion and pepper over the potatoes.

Place the fillets on top. Squeeze some lemon over.

Sprinkle a few drops of sherry over. Add salt and white pepper. Put it back in the oven for 15 minutes.

Serve individual portions with a lemon wedge on the side. Chop some fresh parsley and sprinkle it over.

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