I had heard about brining and had for some reason always thought of it as an industrial process of adding extra water and thus weight to meat whereby evil supermarkets would increase the profit by selling H2O for the price of good meat. What I didn't know was that it's actually just as much a way of preparing meat that would otherwise easily turn dry while at the same time infusing it with the flavours of choice. A bit like marination, if you like.
I first heard about it on Alton Brown's Good Eats show (if you don't know it, look for it on youtube). So I did a bit of investigation and found out that it's really the basic chemistry of osmosis - the saltiness of the brine difuses salt ions into the meat protein cells, which then in return start absorbing the liquid from the brine... or something like that. The end result is that more liquid and flavours are retained in the cells which means juicier and more tender meat. I decided to try it out on a free range chicken and the result was quite amazing. I've never had such a juicy breast on roasted chicken. Try it out for yourself. The following recipe is only an indication for brining a whole chicken and brining other types of meat will need more or less time in the brine. If in doubt, google it. You can also change the spices you use or substitute part of thewater for fruit juices. I went for a simple garlic and fresh rosemary combination.
The brine:
3.5 l. cold water
2 dl coarse sal
1 dl sugar
3 cloves of garlic
1 twig of fresh rosemry
And then
1 whole chicken
1 glass of white wine
Herb de provence
Freshly ground pepper
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