How can you fry milk you might ask yourself. So did I, but then my girlfriend showed me this Spanish recipe for Leche Frita. She asked me to put it on the blog, which I agreed as long as she made it. So here is my special guest chef doing her mother's version of this Spanish dessert.
Ingredients:2 cups of milk (aprx. 0.5l)
3 tbsp Cornstarch (Maizena)
3 tbsp Sugar
Shredded peel of a lemon
1 stick of Cinnamon
1 Egg
Neutral oil

Finely grate the yellow part of the lemon skin and add it to the cold milk. If you see green on this picture, there's nothing wrong with your screen. She just used a lime instead.

Add the cornstarch, sugar and the cinnamon stick. Slowly bring it to a boil while stirring constantly.

Once it reached a light boil it will thicken. Keep stirring so it doesn't catch let it boil for 5 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick.

Then pour it on to a flat tray and let it cool off completely.

Cut it into squares of about 5x5 cm. It should now have thickened and become gelatinous.

Heat up about a cm of oil in a non-stick frying pan. Turn the squares in the flour and tap them lightly to remove excess flour.

Beat the egg and turn the flour dusted squares in it.

Carefully slip the squares in to the hot oil. Fry for about a minute or two. Them flip the over.

Fry on the other side until they are all golden.

And there you have it, fried milk or leche frita. Some people them dip them in sugar mixed with a bit of cinnamon powder. But that's up to you.
It appears that at least one paragraph is missing describing what to do after the list of ingredients and before the word "Finaly..." Too bad for the recipe.
I believe it says "finely" and not "finally", as in grate it in tiny, fine pieces as opposed to coarse grits. I might have forgotten to say that you should pour the milk into a pot first. Hope it cleared it up.
I am sorry for my fast and incorrect reading. I am the beginner in the kitchen and in reading cooking recipes, and I am used to see the description first and the picture afterwards. I am sure there is nothing wrong with your recipe. Regards.
I ate this in Spain two years ago, and it was delicious. I wondered how it was made and wouldn't have known where to begin. Thank you for posting the recipe, it actually looks fairly straightforward, your pictures are very helpful, I may have a go myself some day!
I haven't made this myself in a long time. But, yes, I remember it wasn't that difficult. Good luck
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