Tuesday 14 July 2009


If your wife (or was it life?) gives you lemons, make some of this refreshing lemonade. Not important when the temperature rises and you need something to quench your thirst. You need:
Lots of lemons (at least 1 kilo to make1 cup of freshly squeezed juice).
1 cup sugar
1 cup boiling water
3-4 cups of cold water

Introducing: The lemons!

Put one cup of sugar in a pot.

Add 1 cup of boiling water to disolve the sugar. Let it cool off before you proceed.

To squeeze the lemons it's always a good idea to first roll them under your palm while pressing to soften them up a little.

Squeeze the juice out of them.

And finally, mix the syrup with equal amounts of lemon juice. This is your base. Now dilute with 3-4 cups of ice cold water. Leave in the fridge to cool off further or add some ice cubes and serve.

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